Our Design Process

Briefing, survey and draw up existing 

Prior to providing you with any consultation or fee quote, we may request you complete a New Enquiry form. This will enable us to understand the scope of what you have in mind with some preliminary information.

Once we are instructed, normally the first stage is to make a site visit and carry out a measured survey. This does require access to all relevant internal parts of the property (including the loft space) and we need to take photographs and accurate measurements for the survey.  

If existing plans are available prior to this appointment, they may assist in reducing the survey time required, or enable us to prepare a preliminary scheme.

You will be provided with a scaled floor plans and elevations if relevant, which is essential before designing your proposals.

Stage 1.

Stage 2.

Scheme proposals and feasibility

In this stage we prepare scheme proposals in accordance with your brief, with options if required. Please collect inspiring images of your favourite spaces to share with us. A picture paints a thousand words.

Once you have had time to look over the schemes and discuss with family and friends, maybe you require some amendments or alternative ideas. 

Following design review meetings, which often can be virtual, we will move to finalising the plans, at the next appropriate stage.

Planning Application

(if necessary)

Upon your instruction, when the scheme meets your approval, we will complete detailed planning drawings to include floor and site plans, elevations, prepare a design statement, and submit for planning permission.  

Planning usually takes a minimum of 12 weeks, we will be in communication with the council, dealing with reasonable queries, and if we hear anything we will update you immediately. 

Stage 3.

Construction working drawings and Building Regulations approval

Once we have successfully obtained planning permission [if required] for your project, the next stage is to prepare drawings suitable to build from. For expediency, you can instruct this stage before planning approval, so that you can obtain quotes from building contractors. 

At this point, we may recommend appointing a structural engineer to provide designs and calculations for all structural elements. We will liaise with them to integrate all details into drawings and draw up any related building construction details. 

Building control will need to check the drawings and/or calculations, prior to construction starting, and then carry out site inspections during the project. When the building work is finished, you or the builder will need to obtain a Completion Certificate to sign off the project under the Building Regulations.

Stage 4.

Tender process and principal designer role

Fairbank will assist in assembling a tender package and submission to contractors.  If required, we can vet and advise on the tenders.

Depending on the nature and extent of the project, it will sometimes be necessary to answer technical queries from the contractor on site. These can be by messaging, phone calls, virtual or on-site meetings.

Stage 5.

New Project?